

24小时服务热线 13380228696 主营:镀锌板、电解板、镀铝锌板、镀锌管、镀锌型材



当前位置:首页 >   新闻资讯>钢材知识>  镀层的结合机理小结
发布时间:2019-01-02 点击数:1644


1) 机械镀锌层和基体之间存在明显的界面,形成镀层过程没有产生扩散层、合金化层等过渡层。镀层和基体间的结合强度较低,约为2 ~ 3MPa。随着镀层厚度的增加,镀层的抗冲击性能提高。镀层与基体间的结合方式以机械咬合为主,存在少量的金属键合。机械镀锌层和基体之间分布有少量的金属锡,有助于提高镀层与基体间的结合强度。





1) There is an obvious interface between mechanical galvanizing layer and matrix, and no transition layer such as diffusion layer and alloying layer is formed during the process of coating formation. The bonding strength between coating and matrix is low, about 2 ~ 3 MPa. With the increase of coating thickness, the impact resistance of the coating is improved. The bonding mode between coating and matrix is mainly mechanical occlusion, with a small amount of metal bonding. A small amount of tin is distributed between the mechanical zinc coating and the substrate, which helps to improve the bonding strength between the coating and the substrate.
2) The bonding between zinc powder particles in the coating is due to the repeated action of glass pellet medium on the surface of zinc powder particles, the fine grain occlusion occurs on the contact surface of adjacent particles, which increases the effective bonding area between zinc powder. The bonding is mainly mechanical bonding, and there is a small amount of metal bonding in the coating.
3) Tin and iron produced during mechanical zinc plating do not affect the bonding of zinc powder particles in the coating. The addition of non-zinc micro-powder and rare earth in mechanical galvanizing process does not affect the bonding mechanism between coating and matrix, and between zinc particles in coating.
4) Heating after plating does not change the bonding mechanism between coating and matrix or between zinc powder particles in the coating, but only plays the role of drying and eliminating stress.
5) Strengthen does not change the bonding mechanism between coating and matrix, zinc powder particles in the coating, prolong the strengthening time, and there will be no diffusion and metallurgical reaction in the interface between coating and matrix and in the coating.

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