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产线:鞍钢股份大型厂打造高端精品产线 提升高速重轨质量
发布时间:2019-01-19 点击数:986

鞍钢股份大型厂打造高端精品产线 提升高速重轨质量




The Sixth Congress of Anshan Iron and Steel Group sounded the trumpet of "strengthening the cause of fine materials". Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. adheres to the guidance of high-quality development, continuously improves the precision of equipment control and fine operation of production process, effectively improves the quality of high-speed heavy rail, and contributes to the high-quality development of the group company by means of equipment upgrading and transformation and strict control of production process.
High-speed heavy rail is one of the important varieties in Angang. Over the past year, facing the fierce market competition, in order to better polish the brand of Angang and meet the quality requirements of users, large-scale factories take improving the quality of heavy rail as the core, take the annual repair project as an opportunity to solve the equipment defects affecting the quality of heavy rail and the key problems restricting production. Nowadays, with the cooperation of relevant units and departments, this production line has successfully upgraded the TCS control system of universal rolling mill, effectively improving the level of equipment control and ensuring the rolling quality.
In order to continuously promote the quality upgrading of heavy rail products, the factory insists on innovation as the driving force, constantly improves the production management system, strictly controls the key points of quality in each production process, mobilizes the strength of all staff to carry out product consistency tackling, constantly summarizes the experience of heavy rail rolling and dynamically understands various quality control measures to implement landing by holding regular quality tackling meetings of 100-meter high-speed heavy rail. In order to improve the quality of high-speed heavy rail, the operation mode of equipment should be optimized in time.

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