

24小时服务热线 13380228696 主营:镀锌板、电解板、镀铝锌板、镀锌管、镀锌型材



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发布时间:2018-12-03 点击数:926






针对2019年预算分解工作,本钢集团要求各单位结合本单位实际,切实落实责任,制订有效的保证措施,并建立相应的考核体系,为明年生产经营工作的科学有序推进提供保障。   (转自本钢)

A few days ago, the reporter learned from the regular production meeting of Benxi Iron and Steel Group that in December, Benxi Iron and Steel Group will focus on iron-making production to do a good job of peripheral security, implement measures to prevent cold and freeze, do a good job of winter production, in order to successfully complete the year-round production and operation objectives.
In December, the year-round production entered the end stage, which is also the most critical period to achieve the year-round production and operation objectives. On the basis of summing up the experience of production and operation since this year, Benxi Iron and Steel Group will continuously improve the production efficiency of each process, focusing on the ironmaking process as the "leading" to organize the supply of raw materials and fuels to ensure the smooth and stable operation of the blast furnace. In order to ensure the smooth progress of all work, Benxi Iron and Steel Group has made detailed arrangements for further increasing production, improving quality, reducing costs, ensuring safe production in winter, and budget decomposition in 2019.
In order to smoothly accomplish the annual production target and lay a good foundation for next year's production, Benxi Iron and Steel Group requires relevant departments and units to carry out various work around the production of blast furnaces and converters, pay close attention to the unit's output indicators, and focus on organizing the overall balance and supply guarantee of iron concentrate, pellets, coke, pulverized coal and other materials in order to be practical. Effective measures and actions should be taken to create peripheral conditions for blast furnace production, and the manufacturing department should coordinate, deploy and inspect the work.
In view of cost reduction, Benxi Iron and Steel Group will intensify its work from the aspects of quality, measurement and consumption. All departments and units are required to give priority to ensuring the quality and measurement of raw materials and fuels. Relevant departments, especially the board inspection and laboratory center and the manufacturing department, should do a good job in the testing and acceptance of raw materials and fuels, and ensure the "entrance clearance". In addition, the units that use raw materials and fuels should also make good use of them. The quality and measurement of raw materials and fuels are not up to standard, and they should not accept and use them resolutely. In terms of energy consumption, Benxi Iron and Steel Group requires the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection to monitor the consumption indicators of various energy media in real time and report problems in time. Relevant departments and units should strengthen the management and control of production material consumption, reduce the consumption of refractories and further reduce costs.
In order to ensure safe production in winter, Benxi Iron and Steel Group requires all units to draw up safety production plan in accordance with the guiding ideology of safety work of Benxi Iron and Steel Group in this year and next two years. Party and government should work together and adhere to the principle of "who is in charge and who is in charge". At the same time, on the basis of doing well the work of "five preventions" in winter production, such as cold prevention, freeze prevention, skid prevention, fire prevention and poisoning prevention, all units should focus on the control of major hazards and the safety of commuter vehicles which are related to the safe travel of workers. They should work hard to strengthen safe operation and standardize command, and ensure production safety and workers. On the basis of personal safety, we should achieve the established goal of high yield.
In view of the work of budget decomposition in 2019, Benxi Iron and Steel Group requires all units to implement their responsibilities, formulate effective guarantee measures, and establish corresponding assessment system in order to ensure the scientific and orderly progress of production and operation next year.

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