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发布时间:2018-12-04 点击数:1336





Benxi Iron and Steel Group won the title of "Ten Best" in our city for the publicity achievements of the Seventh Five-Year Plan of Popularization of Law
On November 30, the publicity campaign of the National Constitution Day of "12.4" in Benxi City and the selection of "Double Ten Best" were announced. Benxi Iron and Steel Group declared that the "extended antenna of the Popular Law Pioneer-Plate Railway Transport Company" won the title of "Top Ten" Popular Law Propaganda Achievements in 2018, which is the only enterprise unit in Benxi City that has won this honor.
Yu Qingwei, Vice Mayor of Benxi City, Qufupei, Vice Chairman of Municipal Consultative Conference and Yang Chengguang, Vice General Manager of Benxi Iron and Steel Group participated in the ceremony and watched the performance of literature and art.
Since 1981, Benxi Iron and Steel Group has won many honors at the national, provincial and municipal levels. This time, Benxi Iron and Steel Group has won the title of "Top Ten" Propaganda Achievement of Quality Propaganda of Law in 2018. It is not only the recognition of the outstanding performance of the 7th Five-Year Plan Propaganda of Law in the plate railway transportation company, but also the affirmation of Benxi Iron and Steel Group's law popularization work. "Extending the antenna of the common law pioneers" tells the story of the board railway transportation company, guided by the requirements of legal construction in the new era of socialism, guiding the majority of workers to establish legal awareness, understand legal knowledge, and inherit the culture of rule of law. They persevere in "face-to-face" discussion on law popularization so that workers can understand the law, use "case-based" case analysis to make employees respect the law and fear the law, use "everything according to law" management process to let employees learn the law, and use volunteer teams as "top soldiers of law popularization", constantly extend their antennas to all Benxi Iron and Steel Group, and expand their propaganda. Biography has injected momentum into the further development of law popularization in Benxi Iron and Steel Group.
At the unveiling ceremony, we also commended Benxi's "Top Ten" excellent publicity achievements and "Top Ten" rule of law figures in 2018.

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