

24小时服务热线 13380228696 主营:镀锌板、电解板、镀铝锌板、镀锌管、镀锌型材



当前位置:首页 >   新闻资讯>行业新闻>  鞍山钢铁集团未来规模的态势
发布时间:2018-12-03 点击数:1291



鞍山钢铁是新中国第一个大型钢铁企业,2010年xubCno 信息来源:http://www.steelhome.cn Pa2NuE5月与攀钢集团联合重组,目前具备年4000万吨粗钢产能,具有3000多个品种规格的高技术含量钢铁、钒钛精品,年产4200万吨铁精矿,拥有全球最大的铁精矿生产基地。













值得注意的是,已经与鞍钢联合重组的攀钢,是全球第一的产钒企业,也是中国最大的钛原料和产业链最为完整的钛加工企业,在做强钒、钛、特钢、普钢四大主要产业的同时,也将做优矿产资源、现代物联、产业链金融、产业链贸易四xubCno 信息来源:http://www.steelhome.cn Pa2NuE大基础支撑产业,以及特色非钢产业。


However, Angang is not keen on further expansion of steel scale. "We have always emphasized high-quality development, focusing on the increase of quality rather than the increase of quantity. In the future, Anshan Iron and Steel Company still needs to tap its potential. If there is no major strategic adjustment, it will still exert its efforts in adjusting product structure and innovating development." Wang Yidong told reporters.
It is noteworthy that another domestic steel giant, China Baowu Group, has explicitly put forward in its development plan that the production capacity of Baowu Group will be 80 million tons to 100 million tons by 2021, while in 2016, the crude steel output of Baowu Group will be 58.4 million tons. To reach the scale of 80 million to 100 million tons, industry integration will be the only way in the future. 。
For the merger and reorganization of iron and steel industry, Angang's ambition is not as big as that of Baowu, China. "If the window period is appropriate, we will also consider, but mainly focus on upgrading its products and improving its competitiveness." Wang Yidong said, however, Angang has not been excluded from establishing joint ventures through cross-border cooperation to achieve win-win situation.
As far as the resources industry is concerned, Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has jointly established Karala Mining Co., Ltd. with Australian Jindabi Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 8 million tons of iron concentrate; in the iron and steel industry, Angang Guangzhou Automobile Steel Co., Ltd. has been established in cooperation with German Thyssenkruper Group; and in cooperation with Kobe Steel Co., Ltd. of Japan, Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Shengang Cold Rolled High Strength Automobile Steel Co., Ltd. develops high-end automobile plate market.
"631" Industrial Distribution Target
Wang Yidong told reporters that what Anshan Steel hopes to do in the future is to find materials for the future. It will focus on the research and development of high strength and toughness rail steel, high strength automobile steel, high strength marine pipeline steel, seismic and corrosion resistant building steel and other fields.
In addition, Angang will strengthen research and development in heat-resistant and Hydrogen-facing steel series, low temperature petrochemical steel series, acid-resistant steel, stainless steel and heterogeneous composite steel series, focusing on the development of green low-carbon environmental protection materials.
In addition to strengthening the main industry of iron and steel, Angang is also building a "1 + 6" industrial structure, focusing on the development of iron and steel, mining, international trade, vanadium and titanium, engineering, information technology and six related industries, so as to create a new strategic support and benefit growth pole.
This is also part of the "631" industrial restructuring target to be accomplished by AISC by 2020.
Wang Yidong disclosed that the so-called "6" refers to strengthening the main industry of iron and steel, which accounts for about 60% of the group's output value (income). The "3" refers to accelerating the development of information, engineering and other ancillary industries, and the output value (income) should reach about 30%. "1" is to coordinate the development of the resources industry, so that the output value (income) of minerals accounts for about 10%.

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