

24小时服务热线 13380228696 主营:镀锌板、电解板、镀铝锌板、镀锌管、镀锌型材



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发布时间:2019-01-07 点击数:1500


19世纪40年代末50年代初,美国Tainton公司的Erith Claylon在利用颗粒状金属粉生产片状金属粉末的过程中,发现球磨机内金属粉和钢球-起滚动时,钢球表面经常覆盖有金属粉末。于是,他选择合适的化学药剂在不通过电流的情况下,采用金属锌粉在另外一种金属表面获得锌覆盖层,并称其为锤击镀(peen plating)。当时的这种镀锌工艺镀覆一批工件要用几个小时,甚至达8h才能达到预定的厚度,且金属锌粉的有效利用率仅为30%,故未能进人生产应用。之后,人们逐渐优化化学添加剂,设计新型设备,选择更合适的冲击介质,一直到20世纪70年代末,金属锌粉的有效使用率提高到90%左右,锤击镀也逐浙在全世界进入工业应用,这种工艺并被广泛称为机械锻锌(mchnaiadl plaing 或mchaniadl Blvamizing 或penplating或impact plating)。

从严格意义来讲,机械镀分为干性机械镀(dary impet pain)和湿性机械镀(wet mnd pin)于干性机械镀在日本发展软快,现在在太平洋沿岸各国和欧洲许多国家得到开发利用。


机械镀借助于机械能形成镀层的这过程, 就可以使得欲镀金属仅发生固态转移且在工件表面形成致密的金属镀层,施镀过程中的能量转换为:电网电能一电动机+机械能变形能和热能形成镀层。按机械镀过程中击介质获得能量的高低,将其分为传统机械镀和高能机械镀。

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Erith Claylon of Tainton Company, USA, found that metal powder and ball-rolling in ball mill often covered the surface of steel ball in the process of producing sheet metal powder with granular metal powder. Therefore, he chose a suitable chemical agent to obtain zinc coating on another metal surface without current, and called it peen plating. At that time, it took several hours or even 8 hours for the galvanizing process to coat a batch of workpieces, and the effective utilization rate of metal zinc powder was only 30%, so it could not be applied in production. Later, people gradually optimized chemical additives, designed new equipment and selected more suitable impact media. Until the end of 1970s, the effective utilization rate of zinc powder increased to about 90%. Hammer plating has also been applied in industry all over the world. This process is widely known as mechanical forging zinc (mchnaiadl plaing or mchaniadl Blvamizing or penplating or impact plating).
Strictly speaking, mechanical plating is divided into dry mechanical plating (dary impet pain) and wet mechanical plating (wet MND pin).
The process uses shot-peening-like equipment to spray metal powder on the surface of the workpiece without high speed, so that the mechanical energy can be converted into bonding energy in an instant to form a coating. It has the advantages of anti-corrosion, no hydrogen embrittlement, no pollution and no wastewater treatment.
With the help of mechanical energy to form coating, mechanical plating can make the plating metal transfer only in solid state and form a compact metal coating on the surface of the workpiece. The energy in the process of plating can be converted into electric power grid-motor+mechanical energy deformation energy and thermal energy to form coating. According to the level of energy obtained by striking medium in mechanical plating process, it can be divided into traditional mechanical plating and high-energy mechanical plating.

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